Terms and Conditions


Smyckesguld.se domain is owned and managed by Tavex AB.

These conditions apply to Tavex AB’s (hereinafter “Tavex”) service “Scrap gold” and apply to all purchases of Scrap gold, regardless of whether they were made via the “Gold envelope” service or over the counter in one of Tavex’ stores. “Gold envelope” refers to the shipment that the Customer orders via Tavex’ website (hereinafter the “Website”) www.smyckesguld.se or www.tavex.se or by phone, e-mail or chat via Tavex’ customer service, and which contains “Gold Agreement” (see point 3) and Gold envelope. By consenting to sell to Tavex, you have thereby agreed to the following terms and conditions. In addition to these terms and conditions, the current price list applies between Tavex and the Customer.


Smyckesguld.se domain is owned and managed by Tavex AB.

Tavex AB

Organization number: 556671-1189

Postal address and visiting address: Smålandsgatan 9, 111 46 Stockholm

Telephone number: + 46 (0)8 678 20 30

E-mail address: tavex@tavex.se

Website: www.tavex.se

Registered office is in Stockholm

Tavex is a limited company registered in the anti-money laundering register at the Swedish Companies Registration Office and is supervised by:

Stockholm County Administrative Board

Postal address: Box 22067, 104 22 Stockholm

Telephone number: + 46 (0)10 223 10 00

E-mail address: stockholm@lansstyrelsen.se

Website: www.lansstyrelsen.se/stockholm

Tavex has registered its activity trading in used goods with the Police Authority in Stockholm with diary number A173.209/2021.

Additional information about Tavex, its activities as well as products and services, is available on the Website, in Tavex’ stores and by phone or chat via Tavex’ customer service.


Tavex and the Customer enter into an agreement by the Customer completing and signing the agreement form (hereinafter the “Gold Agreement”) that the Customer receives in the Gold Envelope or over the counter in one of Tavex’ stores. By entering into the Gold Agreement, the Customer commissions Tavex to carry out a valuation of the gold item(s) (hereinafter “Item”). Tavex provides the Customer with a price statement for the Item only after the valuation has been completed.

Tavex reserves the right to decline the purchase of the Item if the shipment is damaged, opened, tampered with or not properly sealed. Likewise, Tavex has the right to decline the purchase of the Item if its quantity or design does not correspond to what the Customer specified in the Gold Agreement. Apart from the situations mentioned above, Tavex has the right to decline the purchase of the Item without giving a reason.


The prices shown on the Website’s price list are indicative only and indicate what Tavex would pay at the moment for items checked by one of the company’s gold experts. The amount that the Customer will receive may be higher or lower than the stated amount in the price list, depending on when the Customer’s Item arrives and the current price list at the specific time.

Gold items whose authenticity is questioned will be subjected to tests that may damage the Item in order to determine purity. After the purity is determined, the Item is weighed and the customer is offered a price in accordance with the current price list for the respective karat content. Should the customer decline the given offer, the Item will be returned and Tavex cannot be held responsible or liable for any damage caused to the Item during the tests.


Tavex is obliged by law to identify the Customer, which means that the Customer must present a valid identification document when selling Scrap gold to Tavex. The customer must have a Swedish social security number and be registered in the population register with a fixed address in Sweden. The customer must also be at least 18 years of age, the legal owner of the items and also have the exclusive right to transfer ownership of the Item to Tavex.


When selling scrap gold over the counter in one of Tavex’ stores, the Customer can choose between receiving their payment in cash or by bank transfer to an account belonging to the Customer. When selling scrap gold via Guldkuvert, the Customer receives payment by bank transfer to an account belonging to the Customer.

In the case of bank transfer, Tavex makes payment for the Item on the same or at the latest the following banking day counted from the day Tavex received and valued the scrap gold and received the account number from the Customer.


Tavex only assumes responsibility for registered mails (REK RETUR) sent to Tavex using Gold Envelopes. The commitment is limited to the amount for which the shipment is insured with Tavex, which currently amounts to one hundred thousand kronor (SEK 100,000) per Gold Envelope. The commitment only applies to the Item to the extent that the Item is pure gold. The customer must report a damaged or lost shipment to Tavex, who in turn reports it to the Post office’s complaints department and present the original delivery receipt to receive compensation. All complaint cases are handled by Tavex.

Tavex only assumes responsibility if the Customer has handled the Item in accordance with what is stated in the Gold Agreement, which is attached to the Gold Envelope, and on the Website. Items that are sent to Tavex in a way other than as stated above will not be replaced and the Customer alone assumes the risk for such shipment.

Tavex is not responsible for delays caused by PostNord or its agents. Tavex is not responsible for damage that the Customer may suffer due to errors in the Internet connection, or similar connection or other technical equipment that does not belong to Tavex.

Furthermore, Tavex is not responsible for damage caused by Swedish or foreign legislation, Swedish or foreign authority action, war event, strike, blockade, boycott, lockout, or other similar circumstance. The proviso regarding strikes, blockades, boycotts and lockouts applies even if Tavex itself is subject to or takes such conflict measures.

Damage that occurred in other cases shall not be compensated by Tavex if it has been normally careful. Tavex is only responsible for indirect damage in cases where the damage is caused by Tavex’ gross negligence.


Tavex returns the Item, after contacting the Customer via e-mail or phone, if the Item is not gold or if Tavex chooses not to complete the purchase for any reason. Tavex will then return the Item at no cost to the Customer.

If the Customer accepts the valuation, the transaction is considered completed after Tavex has made payment for the Item and thus the right of return ceases to apply.

The return cost is 0 kronor for each insured shipment. Gold and silver are always sent as an insured shipment. The return time is estimated at about two weeks. Non-gold or silver Items are also returned free of charge. If the Customer wants items that are not made of gold or silver to be sent insured, this must be notified to customer service.

Tavex is not responsible for returned shipments that take place at the Customer’s request and if the Item is damaged or lost, Tavex has no obligation to compensate for such loss. Since returns are sent as insured shipment via registered mails (REK brev), the Customer can, however, receive compensation up to ten thousand kronor (SEK 10,000) via the postal service.

Tavex reserves the right to return the Item to the Customer if the Customer does not accept Tavex’ valuation, which happens automatically if the Customer could not be reached within three banking days, despite repeated attempts by Tavex to get in touch with the Customer, from the time Tavex received the Item. The item will then, or if the return is initiated at the Customer’s request, be returned at a cost of 299 kronor for administrative work and 199 kronor for the return cost, a total cost of 498 kronor that the Customer pays to Tavex before the Item is returned. Ownership of the Item goes to Tavex directly if payment for the return is not made.


Messages from Tavex sent using electronic communication to the specified electronic address or telephone number shall be deemed to have reached the Customer at the time of dispatch. Tavex has the right to document the customer’s communication with Tavex.


When you contact Tavex, apply for or use any of Tavex’ services, personal information about you such as name, social security number, contact details, transaction details and other things is processed. Partly it is about information you provide yourself, otherwise it can be about information generated internally or retrieved from another source. For information on how we process your personal data, see Tavex’ current General Data Protection Policy, which is available at www.tavex.se.


Tavex has the right to transfer all or parts of its rights and obligations in accordance with these terms and conditions to others. Tavex also has the right to hire subcontractors to fulfill its obligations. The customer is not entitled to transfer its rights and obligations under these terms.


If the Customer has complained about the Tavex service Scrap gold but does not accept Tavex’ assessment in the complaint matter, the Customer can contact Tavex’ complaints officer in writing at the address: Tavex AB, Complaints Officer, Smålandsgatan 9, 111 46 Stockholm. The customer can also reach the Complaints Officer at the e-mail address tavex@tavex.se. The complaint officer investigates the matter and returns to the Customer with a written response, verbally by telephone or by e-mail.


Interpretation and application of this agreement shall take place in accordance with Swedish law. Disputes arising from this agreement must be settled by a Swedish court.